Wednesday 12 November 2014

Target-Specific Properties of Thalamocortical Synapses onto Layer 4 of Mouse Primary Visual Cortex

In primary sensory cortices, thalamocortical (TC) inputs can directly activate excitatory and inhibitory neurons. In vivo experiments in the main input layer (L4) of primary visual cortex (V1) have shown that excitatory and inhibitory neurons have different tuning properties. The different functional properties may arise from distinct intrinsic properties of L4 neurons, but could also depend on cell type-specific properties of the synaptic inputs from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (LGN) onto L4 neurons. While anatomical studies identified LGN inputs onto both excitatory and inhibitory neurons in V1, their synaptic properties have not been investigated. Here we used an optogenetic approach to selectively activate LGN terminal fields in acute coronal slices containing V1, and recorded monosynaptic currents from excitatory and inhibitory neurons in L4. LGN afferents made monosynaptic connections with pyramidal (Pyr) and fast-spiking (FS) neurons. TC EPSCs on FS neurons were larger and showed steeper short-term depression in response to repetitive stimulation than those on Pyr neurons. LGN inputs onto Pyr and FS neurons also differed in postsynaptic receptor composition and organization of presynaptic release sites. Together, our results demonstrate that LGN input onto L4 neurons in mouse V1 have target-specific presynaptic and postsynaptic properties. Distinct mechanisms of activation of feedforward excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the main input layer of V1 are likely to endow neurons with different response properties to incoming visual stimuli.

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