Wednesday 13 May 2015

Mapping the Macaque Superior Temporal Sulcus: Functional Delineation of Vergence and Version Eye-Movement-Related Activity

It is currently thought that the primate oculomotor system has evolved distinct but interrelated subsystems to generate different types of visually guided eye movements (e.g., saccades/smooth pursuit/vergence). Although progress has been made in elucidating the neural basis of these movement types, no study to date has investigated all three movement types on a large scale and within the same animals. Here, we used fMRI in rhesus macaque monkeys to map the superior temporal sulcus (STS) for BOLD modulation associated with visually guided eye movements. Further, we ascertained whether modulation in a given area was movement type specific and, if not, the modulation each movement type elicited relative to the others (i.e., dominance). Our results show that multiple areas within STS modulate during all movement types studied, including the middle temporal, medial superior temporal, fundus of the superior temporal, lower superior temporal, and dorsal posterior inferotemporal areas. Our results also reveal an area in dorsomedial STS that is modulated almost exclusively by vergence movements. In contrast, we found that ventrolateral STS is driven preferentially during versional movements. These results illuminate an STS network involved in processes associated with multiple eye movement types, illustrate unique patterns of modulation within said network as a function of movement type, and provide evidence for a vergence-specific area within dorsomedial STS. We conclude that producing categorically different eye movement types requires access to a common STS network and that individual network nodes are recruited differentially based upon the type of movement generated.

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